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Tuesday 17th March 2015

HBLB opens 2015 Equine Science Research and Education Awards Application Round

The Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) is inviting applications for the equine veterinary research and education awards to start in 2016. There are three options:


The HBLB supports scientifically robust research projects which benefit the racing and breeding Thoroughbred. Innovative and novel research approaches are encouraged and all applications will be subject to peer review and full evaluation by the Board’s Veterinary Advisory Committee.

Applications are made online via the HBLB’s Equine Grants System. Visit Veterinary Science and Education for information on:

• Research priorities and scope
• Eligibility
• Applications
• Other activity in the veterinary sphere

HBLB will, for projects commencing in 2016, allow up to £1,500 towards the costs of Open Access to publications arising from funded research.

The Racing Foundation will again be investing in equine science research which has demonstrable practical benefits to Thoroughbred horseracing. Applications are being processed through the Equine Grants System with applicants being asked to indicate whether they wish their projects to be considered by the HBLB, the Foundation or both. All applications will be subject to the normal HBLB review process.

The deadline for applications for research projects is 2pm on Monday 15th June 2015.

The awards for 2016 will be approved in mid-December 2015.


This fund supports research focusing on specific issues of direct and immediate practical importance to the health and wellbeing of the Thoroughbred. The grants are open to individuals employed by veterinary schools, universities and research institutes, veterinary practitioners or elsewhere in the Thoroughbred racing and breeding industry. Projects are limited to one year and costs should not exceed £10,000. Details on the application process can be found in Veterinary Science and Education.

The deadline for submission of applications is 2pm on Monday 18th May 2015.

The awards for 2016 will be approved in mid-December 2015.


The process for applying for new Veterinary Research Training Scholarships and Senior Equine Clinical Scholarships to start in 2016 is open.

• Veterinary Research Training Scholarships offer 3-year funding to veterinary graduates who wish to pursue a PhD programme in any scientific or veterinary field relevant to equines and particularly the racing or breeding Thoroughbred.

• Senior Equine Clinical Scholarships allow veterinary graduates with at least 2 years’ experience to train for a higher qualification, such as a European Diploma, over 4 years. The qualification must be in an equine field with particular relevance to the Thoroughbred.

Applications for both types of award must be made by the prospective supervisor within an eligible institution, such as university veterinary school, other university department or research institute. Awards include a tax-free stipend to cover living costs and an expense allowance for research costs and other purposes directly relevant to the scholarship.

The Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (TBA) is currently sponsoring one Research Training Scholarship and is interested to start another in 2016. Clearly, to attract the TBA’s notice, the research element would need to be directly applicable to Thoroughbred breeding or production. Any such applications would be handled initially through the normal HBLB scrutiny procedures before being shared with the TBA.

The deadline for submission of applications is 2pm on Monday 25th May 2015.

The awards for 2016 will be approved in mid-December 2015.

For full information and to apply, please download an application pack from Veterinary Science and Education.

The HBLB’s VAC is also planning to introduce a new category of education award, the post-doctoral fellowship, open to recent veterinary PhD graduates. Details will be published at the beginning of April 2015.

For further information please contact Annie Dodd, Grants Manager at the Levy Board, on:
020 7333 0043 extension 73 or