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Support for Veterinary Science and Education

One of HBLB’s statutory functions is to apply Levy income for purposes conducive to the advancement or encouragement of veterinary science or veterinary education.

For the latest information, please see 23/04/2024 Press Release

Since 2002, HBLB has applied over £45 million to equine veterinary science and education with the aim of improving the health and welfare of the racing and breeding Thoroughbred horse. This investment has led to significant advances in the understanding, prevention, treatment and management of a wide variety of diseases, injuries and issues affecting the Thoroughbred.

Publication of reports on current and completed work will resume on the HBLB website from the start of May 2024.

HBLB is advised on its veterinary investment by the Veterinary Advisory Committee (VAC). The VAC also consults representatives of the racing industry and the equine veterinary profession to identify the Priorities and Scope 2024 for the benefit of the Thoroughbred.

HBLB funding of equine veterinary science and education ensures the availability of the knowledge and skills that are essential to the health and welfare of the horses on which the racing industry ultimately depends.

Last Updated: 23 April 2024