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Equine Post-Doctoral Fellowship

The application round for Equine Post-Doctoral Fellowships to start in 2025 is now openDeadline for applications is 15 July 2024

New for 2024

Applications for Equine Post-Doctoral Fellowships will now be online. Apply using the following link:

HBLB will look for exceptional PhDs, with a veterinary degree recognised by the RCVS, and with the skills and aptitude to develop an academic or clinical academic career in equine veterinary sciences with particular focus on Thoroughbred racing, breeding and rearing. 

The Equine Post-Doctoral Fellowship, tenable for three years, will be available to individuals with a named sponsor at a host institute within Great Britain. HBLB’s eligibility criteria will apply to any individual selected. 

The Fellowship award is aimed at candidates seeking to begin a career in research or, alternatively, already holding a University position, but wishing to take a three year secondment to focus on research. 

One of HBLB’s statutory functions is to apply levy income for purposes conducive to the advancement or encouragement of veterinary science or veterinary education. 


Fellowships are awarded to individuals, with the research to be undertaken at an eligible host institute which will administer the award. Additional institutes may serve as co-hosts and overseas based institutes are acceptable as co-hosts. 

Candidates must: 

i) Hold a veterinary degree recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons;
ii) Hold a PhD or be currently studying for a PhD with an expected completion date prior to commencement of the Fellowship; 
iii) Be suitable to undertake, and committed to undertaking, all aspects of the Fellowship programme;
iv) Wish to pursue an equine veterinary scientific research career, with particular reference to the Thoroughbred, at the end of the Fellowship.


Final decisions on the 2024 applications will be made in December 2024.

For further information, please contact the Equine Grants Team:

Tel: 020 7333 0043

Last Updated: 17 May 2024