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Research Scholarships

These awards are available to qualified veterinary surgeons or non-veterinary science graduates to undertake research training leading to a PhD, in any equine veterinary field relevant to the Thoroughbred horse.

The application round for awards to start in 2025 is now open. Deadline for applications is 15 July 2024.

New for 2024

Applications for Research Scholarships will now be online. Apply using the following link:

Application information 

Guidelines for research scholarship application 
Please note that research scholarships are awarded to eligible institutes and applications must be made by the potential supervisor. HBLB does not make awards to students directly.

Institutes and supervisors 
• Awards may only be held by British University veterinary schools and other University departments.
• Other institutes, including private veterinary practices, may also be involved with the scholarship, but these institutes are not eligible to host the award.
• The lead supervisor must be a salaried member of staff at the University hosting the award.
• Co-supervisors on the scholarship may include scientists and/or vets working in other institutes, including private practices.
• A maximum of three Research Scholarship applications may be submitted by any one institute in any one year.

• Research scholar candidates must hold a veterinary degree recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons or a non-veterinary science degree.
• Candidates should wish to pursue an equine orientated research/academic career after completion of the award.

Training programme 
• Research scholarships are for 4 years, subject to satisfactory progress.
• Training programmes may be carried out in any equine veterinary field, including the basic sciences, but are expected to have particular focus on the Thoroughbred racing or breeding horse.

Value of awards 
• The annual grant for each year of the award is allocated between a stipend for the scholar and a contribution to expenses related to the scholarship. 


For further help, please contact the Equine Grants Team:

Tel: 020 7333 0043

Last Updated: 17 May 2024