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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 14th June 2017

Audit Committee: Annual Report to the Board

The Board approved the Audit Committee Annual Report to the Board 2016/17.


Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17

The Board approved the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017.


Capital Credit Applications: Wetherby and Chester

The Board approved:

  1. An additional Capital Credit Grant to Wetherby racecourse of £336,381 to go towards the demolition and replacement of the Old Members’ Stand. 
  2. A Capital Credit Grant to Chester racecourse of £1,482,326 to go towards the Winning Post Enclosure and Paddock Club project.

All drawdowns were to be subject to the Executive’s receipt of appropriate documentation and a Capital Credit balance equal to or greater than the requested amount at the time of drawdown.