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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 18th May 2016

Bookmakers’ Committee: 4th Quarter Trading Update and Total Income Forecast for 2015/16

The Board noted the Bookmakers’ Committee estimate of the Levy generated by the LBO estate for the 54th Levy Scheme and the current forecast for total income for 2015/16.

Management Accounts

The Board noted the management accounts for the year to March 2016.

Business Plan

The Board discussed the latest draft of its 2016/17 Business Plan.

Audit Committee Report

The Board noted the Audit Committee Report and the Register of Members’ Interests.

Remuneration Committee Report

The Board noted the Remuneration Committee’s report.

Breeders’ Prizes Scheme 2016: Vouchers

The Board agreed changes to the Breeders’ Prizes Scheme to allow for cash redemption as an alternative to a voucher.

Veterinary Science and Education

The Board approved the funding of an initiative to extend the Codes of Practice app to the Android platform.

Capital Credit Applications

The Board approved      

a) A Capital Credit grant to Thirsk Racecourse of £66,971 subject to the Executive’s receipt of appropriate documentation.

b) A Capital Credit grant to Wetherby Racecourse of £1,057,584 subject to the Executive’s receipt of appropriate documentation.