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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 11th November 2015

55th Levy Scheme Determination
The Board noted that the Secretary of State was continuing to consider, in his Determination, what would be the terms of the 55th Levy Scheme.

Bookmakers' Committee: 2nd Quarter Trading Update 
The Board noted the Bookmakers’ Committee estimate of the Levy due, for the LBO estate, for the first six months of the 54th Levy Scheme.

Management Accounts to September 2015
The Board noted the management accounts for the period to 30 September 2015.

Mare Owners' Prize Scheme (MOPS) Application for Funding
The Board agreed to consider whether to provide funding for the Mare Owners’ Prize Scheme in 2016 and 2017 in the light of Racing’s Executive Committee meeting on 19th November 2015.

Capital Credit Applications

The Board approved a Capital Credit Grant to Perth racecourse of £211,042 towards new hostel accommodation.

The Board approved a Capital Credit Grant to Leicester racecourse of £206,378 towards four projects; to purchase an LED screen and trailer, to provide a concrete surface for the car park, the purchase of a rotary mower and turf tender and to purchase new seating in the premier stand.