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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 24th June 2015


Audit Committee

The Board noted the annual summary of the work carried out by its Audit Committee.

Annual Report & Accounts 2014/15

The Board approved the Annual Report and Accounts for 2014/15 noting that these would not be published until they had been laid before Parliament on 15 July 2015.

Fixture Criteria 2016

The Board noted an update on the progress of the BHA fixture consultation exercise and agreed to consider further the 2016 Fixture Criteria at a later date.

Mare Owners’ Prize Scheme

The Board received an update on this potential new scheme for 2016 and noted that a decision on funding would be required in the autumn.

Industry Recruitment, Training & Education, Activity Report 2014 and Funding Submission 2016

The Board received an update from the BHA detailing activities in this area in 2014 and noting planned funding levels in 2016.  Further information was expected from the BHA on funding issues in the near future.  

Capital Credits Allocations July to December 2015 

The Board approved racecourse applications for the transfers of HBLB grants to Capital Credits for the period 1st July 2015 to 31st December 2015.