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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 17th September 2014

Bookmakers’ Committee 54th Levy Scheme Recommendations

The Board approved the Recommendations from the Bookmakers’ Committee for the terms of the 54th Levy Scheme (1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016). Further details can be found here.

2015 Fixture Criteria

The Board approved the 2015 Fixture Criteria, with one material change to Bank Holidays; funding for the 50% funded fixtures on May, August and Easter Bank Holidays is subject to a race at one fixture or more being programmed to start at no later than 12.30pm and another race at one fixture or more to end no earlier than 6pm.

Business Plan 2015

The Board gave consideration to its draft 2015 Business Plan, including budgetary assumptions, and will consider further in the coming months before being published by early 2015.

Industry Training

The Board approved an application for the funding of Racing’s industry recruitment, training and education initiatives in 2015. Details will be confirmed in the 2015 Business Plan.

Mare Owners’ Prize Scheme

The Board noted that the proposal for funding of a Mare Owners’ Prize Scheme will be revisited in 2015 for the initiative’s potential launch in 2016.

Strategic Risk Register

The Board approved a revised version of its Strategic Risk Register.