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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Thursday 13th June 2013

2014 Fixture Criteria

The Board noted the preliminary draft changes to the Fixture Criteria for 2014. Final approval will take place at the July meeting.

Allocations to Capital Credits July to December 2013

The Board approved:
a. Raceday Services transfers to Capital Credits of £1,094,400 for the period 1st July to 31st December 2013;

b. Prize Money transfers to Capital Credits of £2,155,916 for the period 1st July to 31st December 2013;

c. Capital Credit Grants to be applied during July to December 2013 as repayments of loans in respect of approved development projects totaling £1,478,000;

d. Transfers to Capital Credits of additional requests made subsequently by racecourses for specified prize money-related grants yet to be awarded but which are allocated at a later date for the period 1st July 2013 to 31st December 2013. These include Appearance Money and Quality Support Fund payments.

Capital Credit Request

The Board approved a Capital Credit grant of £102,510 to Pontefract Racecourse towards the horsewalk improvements and construction of a new betting hall subject to the same conditions which are attached to the approved loan.

Veterinary Advisory Committee (VAC) Update

The Board noted that the VAC has invited expressions of interest for an equine veterinary clinician. The deadline is 1st July, after which shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a panel comprising the VAC Chairman and Deputy Chairman, a veterinary clinician VAC member and the HBLB’s Veterinary Science & Education Manager. The successful candidate could start as soon as they were available and will be expected to attend the November VAC meeting.