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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 12th September 2012

Veterinary Science and Education

The Board agreed the detail of the Veterinary Advisory Committee’s recommended expenditure allocations within the total approved budget of £1.6m for 2012/13.

Capital Credit Request

The Board approved a Capital Credit grant of £79,380 to Ayr Racecourse to upgrade the hospitality facilities in the Paddock Stand.

Loans to Racecourses and Others in 2013

The Board’s priorities for lending in 2013 are:

A. Capital improvements needed as a result of BHA/legal requirements.
B. Non-revenue-generating loans for horse specific projects e.g. turf, drainage, stabling.
C. Revenue-generating projects.
D. Loans to parties other than racecourses for the improvement of horseracing or other HBLB responsibility.
E. Racecourse loans for non horse specific projects.

The Board agreed which outline applications would be invited to submit their detailed proposals for consideration at the December 2012 Board Meeting. Applicants have been notified directly by HBLB.

Donation to Retraining of Racehorses

The Board approved a donation of £50,000 to the charity Retraining of Racehorses for 2012.