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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Tuesday 3rd May 2011

Capital Credit Requests

The Board approved:
(a) A Capital Credit Grant of £10,365 to Taunton Racecourse for the works set out on constructing a new racecourse entrance.
(b) A Capital Credit Grant of £294,445 to Chester Racecourse towards the works set out on extending the “1539” restaurant onto a roof terrace by converting the existing police control room; relocating and improving the facilities of the police control room; and constructing a new canopy roof for outside dining and parade ring viewing outside the “La Mer” seafood restaurant.

Board Meeting dates for 2012

The Board approved the provisional dates for meetings to take place in 2012:
Thursday 9th February
Wednesday 28th March
Wednesday 2nd May
Thursday 14th June
Monday 16th July
Tuesday 18th September
Wednesday 24th October
Tuesday 11th December

2012 Distribution

The Board gave preliminary consideration to the principles of its 2012 distribution policies and will revisit them at its June meeting.