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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 15th December 2010

The Board did not meet in December 2010 but considered an update on a number of issues.

50th Levy Scheme

The Board was informed that the Secretary of State had extended to 5th January 2011 the deadline for Racing and the Bookmakers’ Committee to respond to the Government Appointed Members’ submission on the 50th Levy Scheme.

Betting Exchanges

An update was given in respect of the Betting Exchange consultation and the item will be further discussed at the Board meeting in March 2011.

Capital Credit Request

The Board approved Taunton’s request to withdraw its application for a Capital Credit Grant for £19,467.

The Board approved a Capital Credit Grant for £442,874 to Catterick Racecourse for works on the Paddock Building, subject to the racecourse obtaining planning permission, and approved a Capital Credit Grant of £71,618 to Leicester Racecourse towards the works on re-surfacing an area adjacent to the parade ring boxes, purchasing additional frost covers and improving the final section of the pop-up irrigation system.