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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 15th September 2010

50th Levy Scheme

The Board rejected the Bookmakers’ Committee recommendations presented at the July meeting. The Levy Board issued a press release providing an update on the 50th Levy Scheme, which can be found by clicking here.

Fixture List 2011

The Board noted that the total number of fixtures in 2011 was likely to be only slightly down on 2010 given the significant number of applications from racecourses for ex-BHA fixtures for which HBLB would provide regulation and integrity grants, but no fixture incentives.

Capital Credit Requests

The Board approved:
a) A Capital Credit Grant of £33,200 to Leicester Racecourse towards works on the Owners’ and Trainers’ car park and to cover the additional cost to the improvement work on the main driveway.
b) A Capital Credit Grant of up to £138,000 to Thirsk Racecourse towards replacing the ring main and install a fully automated pop-up irrigation system.
c) A Capital Credit Grant of £960,134 to Windsor Racecourse from 2011 Capital Credit allocations towards the works set out on a new reception building and conversion of the existing office in the weighing room to a BHA medical room and public first aid room.
d) A Capital Credit Grant of £224,105 to Catterick Racecourse for the works on the Course Enclosure subject to the racecourse obtaining planning permission.