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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Thursday 24th June 2010

9th June meeting

Racecourse Finances

The Board received for information a presentation on racecourse finances from the RCA and from a small number of racecourse executives.

2010 Budget

The Board agreed to hold a further meeting on 24th June 2010 to consider matters relating to the 2010 HBLB budget.

Capital Credit Requests

The Board approved:

(a) A Capital Credit Grant of £4,912 to Leicester Racecourse towards improving its pop-up sprinkler irrigation system.

(b) A Capital Credit Grant of £9,895 to Taunton Racecourse towards improving its drainage.

Allocation of Capital Credits

HBLB at its June 2010 Board meeting approved:

(a) The Fixture Fee Grants transfers to Capital Credits of £1,968,247 for the period 1 July to 31 December 2010.

(b) The Integrity Fee Grant transfers to Capital Credits of £523,200 for the period 1 July to 31 December 2010.

(c) The Prize Money transfers to Capital Credits of £6,458,706 for the period 1 July to 31 December 2010.

(d) The Capital Credit Grants to be applied during July to December 2010 as repayments of loans in respect of approved development projects totalling £7,700,000.

24th June meeting

2010 Expenditure

The Board approved expenditure reductions with effect from 1st August, details of which can be found here.