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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 12th May 2010

Presentation by the Veterinary Advisory Committee

As part of its statutory objectives, HBLB appoints its Veterinary Advisory Committee (VAC) to advise on investment in this area, which in 2010 is £2m, split approximately £1.2m in research grants, £330,000 in education awards and £430,000 in infectious disease monitoring, with the remainder in communications and administration.

As part of the VAC’s accountability to the Board, Professor Willie Donachie, Chair of the VAC, and Professor Tim Skerry, Deputy Chair of the VAC, presented to the Board:
• Core activities within the veterinary programme, their cost and purpose;
• How proposals are evaluated, performance reviewed and outcomes communicated;
• Progress made in recent years in the key research disciplines;
• Potential strategies for HBLB’s veterinary investment in the future.

48th Levy Scheme Update and Impact on 2010 Budget

The Chief Executive updated the Board on the 48th Levy Scheme and its impact on the 2010 budget.

Horsemen’s Group Proposal

The Board noted that the Horsemen’s Group had decided not to seek an HBLB contribution in the first year of its new administrative arrangements. The Board agreed to defer consideration of the question of any future funding for a further year.