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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Thursday 22nd September 2022

HBLB Business Plan

The Board approved the HBLB business plan which it is intended will be published by December 2022.

Financial Forecast 2022/23

The Board noted that after a good start to the Levy results with April’s Grand National the subsequent softening of Levy results noted at the June Board meeting had continued with turnover lower to the end of September than the average in recent comparator years.

2023 Prize Money Budget

The Board agreed to a resubmitted proposal from Racing for an increase in the 2023 Prize Money budget.

Funding of 5th Saturday Racecourse Fixtures

The Board agreed a funding proposal for a 5th fixture for three Saturdays in 2023 (two at Hexham and one at Stratford) on a one off basis for 2023.

Horse Welfare Board: Projects

The Board agreed to fund an Obstacle Improvement and Development project proposed by the Horse Welfare Board.

Weighing Room Loans

The Board discussed further the principles that would apply to making available sums to racecourses for weighing room upgrades and would consider the matter again at future meetings.

Capital Credit Applications

The Board agreed Capital Credit Applications for the following racecourses: Beverley, Chelmsford City, Taunton and Wetherby.