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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Three-Year Financial Model 2022/23 To 2024/25

The Board noted a financial forecast for the year ended 31 March 2023 and a potential scenario for each of the following two years.  The Board noted that April 2022 had been good for the Levy largely as a result of the Grand National but subsequently there has been a softening of Levy results with overall turnover levels falling. 

2022 HBLB Prize Money Budget 

The Board noted a likely overspend on budget in 2022 but agreed to continue with current ratecard funding levels for 2022 and asked Racing to come forward with a mechanism for 2023 under which an overspend was not possible.

Weighing Room Loans

The Board agreed in principle to loan funding for racing’s weighing room upgrade programme subject to detailed consideration of the lending terms.

2023 Fixture Criteria

The Board agreed its 2023 Fixture Funding Criteria .

2023 Fixture Incentive Fund

The Board agreed the redesignation of the Fixture Incentive Fund as a Winter Jump Fixture Fund in 2023.

Draft HBLB Business Plan

The Board considered the first draft of the HBLB business plan which would be published in autumn 2023.

Capital Credit Applications – Kelso and Fakenham

The Board approved the Capital Credit applications for Kelso and Fakenham