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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Thursday 21st April 2022


Financial Forecast 2021/22

The Board noted an estimate of Levy yield for 2021/22 with the most likely figure in the range of £96m to £100m.  

2023 Fixture Criteria
The Board discussed the proposed 2023 Fixture Criteria and agreed to defer a final decision until June following further consultation.

Non-fixture grant applications
The Board considered and approved a number of grant applications other than those relating to racing fixtures and prize money. Full details of approved applications will be announced in due course after consultation with applicants.

HBLB Business Plan
The Board agreed the key elements of its draft Business Plan and agreed to consider it further at its June meeting .

Industry Recruitment, Training And Retention:

The Board noted a report on IRTR and agreed that a decision on the implementation of a future structure should take place in June 2022 in the light of further discussion with  Racing’s Members’ Committee.

Capital Credits Allocations May to September 2022      

The Board agreed Capital Credit Allocations for May to September 2022

HBLB Office Location
The Board received an update on HBLB’s office location and potential plans to relocate.