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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Tuesday 8th December 2020

Financial Forecast 2020/21
The Board agreed the full year income forecast range based on updated information.

Jockeys’ Career Ending Insurance Scheme
The Board agreed to provide funding towards six months of funding for the Jockeys’ Career Ending Insurance Scheme, on the basis subsequently published at

Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20
The Board approved in principle the draft Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20, noting that there remained some items to discuss with Government before final sign-off.

Presentation: Racehorse Owners’ Association
Representatives of the Racehorse Owners’ Association gave a presentation to the Board.

Management Accounts to 31 October 2020
The Board approved the management accounts to 31 October 2020.

Investment Committee Report
The Board agreed that approved loans which had not been drawn down within two years of that approval would lapse.

Capital Credit Applications: Ludlow Racecourse
The Board approved an increase of £10,000 to Ludlow racecourse’s Capital Credit grant for a semi-permanent marquee.

Racecourse Physiotherapists: Request for Increase in Funding
The Board approved the request to increase funding for racecourse physiotherapists to £32,094 for the period to 31 March 2021.

Capital Credit Conversions
The Board agreed that 31 March 2021 should be the last date on which a racecourse could convert its Capital Credits balance to cash without seeking a new approval from the Board.