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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 29th July 2020

Funding Requests from Racing
The Board reconfirmed its agreement to funding prize money at Racing’s current “rate card” levels to 31st August 2020, at a cost of £4.7m, as agreed at the meeting on 24th July 2020 and it reconfirmed its agreement to the prize money overspend for the first 10 weeks of racing of £0.3m, as agreed at the meeting on 24th July 2020. The Board approved the request for a contribution to prize money at the updated rate card level from 1st September to 31st December 2020 at a cost of £26.6m and it approved the balance of the £1.8m funding of Plus 10 and MOPS already agreed in 2020. The Board deferred for later consideration the request from the RCA for an allocation of £2.9m to a 2021 racecourse executive contribution prize money credits scheme. It approved the request for PPE reimbursement to participants and employers of up to £1.5m (with £1.1m currently forecast as the likely level of expenditure) to 31st December 2020 and it approved the request for racecourse cost configuration reimbursement of up to £1.641m and an estimated further £577,000 for the remaining racecourses yet to stage fixtures since 1st June 2020 if such racecourses were required to comply with the same regulatory requirements as those racing up to now.