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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Friday 24th July 2020

Animal Health Trust: Update
The Board received updates from the Executive regarding the current position of arrangements regarding the Animal Health Trust (AHT) and it agreed that grants already approved to the AHT should be ring-fenced for settlement of outstanding payments to the AHT, and that the extra £700,000 that had been made available to the AHT conditionally before its closure should now be available for successor arrangements.

Funding Requests from Racing
The Board approved a request from Racing for an extension of the current prize money rate card to 31st August, at a cost of £4.7m, and it approved the request to fund the overspend for the first 10 weeks of racing of £0.3m. Other requests would be considered at a meeting on 29th July 2020.

Management Accounts
The Board approved the management accounts to 31st May 2020.