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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 10th June 2020

Animal Health Trust: Update
The Board received a further updates from representatives of the Animal Health Trust (AHT).

2020 Non-Fixture Expenditure: Update
In the light of the suspension of racing and the impact on Levy income, the Executive had reviewed each element of HBLB’s non-fixture grant expenditure. The total funding budget in 2020 of £6.4m had been reduced to £4m, focusing on necessary and essential expenditure. A collaborative and cooperative process had been undertaken with grant recipients.

Racing Resumption: Update
The Board noted the current position with regard to the resumption of racing and it agreed to hold a meeting early in July, to consider prize money for a defined period from August onwards as well as any other funding requests.

Strategic Risks: Update
The Board considered an updated paper setting out the detail around the organisation’s strategic risks, which had been reviewed by the Executive. The next step would be to further develop mitigation for the risks identified.

Management Accounts to 30 April 2020
The Board approved the management accounts to 30 April 2020.