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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Tuesday 19th May 2020

Racing Resumption
The Board discussed the various areas of activity going on in preparation for the resumption of racing. The Board also considered the potential for further requests to HBLB in connection with costs incurred to enable the safe restarting of the sport.

Strategic Risks: Update
The Board agreed the content of a paper summarising the strategic risks for the organisation. The next steps were to assess current risk levels and propose future tolerance levels, to be reported to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and then the Board in June.

Capital Credit Applications: Catterick and Leicester
The Board approved

  1. A Capital Credit Grant of £689,010 to Catterick racecourse towards the building of an Owners and Trainers facility. This represented an increased ceiling of the grant for the project which had been approved by the Board in September 2019.
  2. A Capital Credit Grant of £66,668 to Leicester racecourse to cover the installation of rubber flooring in its 106 stables, in line with NTF recommendations.

Capital Credit Allocations: May to August 2020
The Board approved

  1. The Raceday Services transfers to Capital Credits of £150,852 for the period 1st May to 31st August 2020.
  2. The Prize Money transfers to Capital Credits of zero for the period 1st May to 31st August 2020.
  3. Transfers to Capital Credits of additional requests made subsequently by racecourses for specified prize money-related grants yet to be awarded but which would be allocated at a later date for the period 1st May 2020 to 31st August 2020. These include Lower RIF, Appearance Money, and Divided Races payments.