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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 14th May 2008

National Stud

The HBLB at its May 2008 meeting agreed the successful transfer of the National Stud to the Jockey Club.

Great Leighs

At the May 2008 HBLB Board meeting, it was noted that Great Leighs would open to the public on 28th May.

Racecourse Improvements

The HBLB, at its May 2008 Board meeting approved an interest-free loan and Capital Credit Grants from its Capital Fund for racecourse improvements, as follows:

• Fontwell Park : An interest-free loan of £4,000,000 towards their Grandstand and Phase II development.

The Board also approved a Capital Credit Grant of up to £2,500,000 towards the new Grandstand project at Fontwell.

Authority to be delegated to the Chairman to give final approval and set the cost limit for the Grandstand at Fontwell, following a satisfactory report from the HBLB Board’s Technical Committee Stage III meeting.

• Ayr : A Capital Credit Grant of up to £1,636,011 to Ayr, towards improving its racegoer facilities on the lower floor of the Princess Royal Stand and Parade Ring.

Revised Board Meeting dates for 2009

The HBLB at its April Board meeting approved the following dates for meetings at 11.00am:
• 18th March - Wednesday
• 20th May - Wednesday
• 10th June - Wednesday
• 22nd July - Wednesday
• 21st October - Wednesday
• 8th December - Tuesday