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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 25th March 2020

Presentation by Animal Health Trust
A presentation on the Animal Health Trust was given to the Board by one of its representatives.

Financial Planning
The Board noted that 2019/20 Levy income forecast was at £90m to £95m albeit that the cancellation of racing from 18th March onwards, in light of the coronavirus outbreak, had created additional uncertainty.

The Board discussed issues arising from the current period of no racing and agreed a number of measures for further consideration and for implementation. The Board would meet again in due course to consider the situation.

Audit Committee Meeting
The Board noted the report on the Audit Committee meeting, which had been held prior to the Board meeting.

Capital Credit Applications: Fakenham
The Board approved a Capital Credit Grant to Fakenham racecourse of £170,000 towards the erection a new building to house a grandstand and paddock bar, refreshment and pool betting facilities.

Chairman’s Term of Office
Board members thanked the Chairman, Paul Lee, for his service to HBLB. His term of office, which had begun in 2009, would end on 31st March 2020.