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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Wednesday 26th February 2020

Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19
The Board approved the Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19.

2020 Expenditure
The Board noted the current situation and the recommendations for funding put forward at the previous meeting, in tandem with the agreed total recommended expenditure budget for 2020 and the non-fixture related expenditure allocations it wished to support. It approved the opening of the next veterinary grant application round; and it approved Racing to School’s additional funding request for £78,750 to cover the costs of Racing Together from mid February to the end of 2020

Presentation by Animal Health Trust
A presentation on the Animal Health Trust was given to the Board.

Business Plan 2020: Update
The Board agreed that Board members would suggest specific changes to the draft Business Plan; and agreed the proposed approach to refreshing strategic risks.

Capital Credit Applications: Hamilton Park
The Board approved a Capital Credit Grant to Hamilton Park racecourse of up to £8,024 to fund drainage work to the racecourse, subject to approval of the work by the BHA Course Inspectorate.

Levy Compliance and Guidance Notes 2019/20
The Board noted comments on the 2019/20 Levy Guidance Notes for Bookmakers.

Levy Forecast 2019/20
The Board agreed that the full year forecast core range previously endorsed by the Board was updated from £85m-£95m to £90m-£100m; and noted the risks which remained during the February and March period, including the new threat to income posed by the Coronavirus outbreak.

Management Accounts to 31st January 2020
The Board approved the Management Accounts to 31st January 2020.