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Board Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: Friday 22nd November 2019

Presentation by Ascot Racecourse
A presentation was given to the Board by Ascot racecourse, where the meeting was held.

2018/19 Levy Yield
The Board discussed matters relating to the ongoing consideration of 2018/19 Levy yield.

Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19
The Board considered matters in relation to the Board’s 2018/19 accounts, which remained under discussion and had not yet been finalised.

2020 Expenditure Budget
The Board agreed to consider applications for funding of non-fixture related projects for the whole of calendar year 2020, it being recognised that confirmed funding levels would depend to some extent on the 2019/20 Levy yield.

General Prize Fund Grants
The Board noted a summary of the GPF allocation process.

Board Management: Paperless Meetings
The Board approved the principle that HBLB should move toward the electronic only supply of Board and Committee papers.

Capital Credit Application: Chester, Pontefract, Salisbury
The Board approved

  1. A Capital Credit Grant to Chester racecourse of up to £1,234,721.59 to fund Parade, the new hospitality space it has built.
  2. A Capital Credit Grant to Pontefract racecourse of £119,334 towards funding the renovation and conversion of an old Tote building into a Bar and Food Servery.
  3. A Capital Credit Grant to Salisbury racecourse of £36,290 to fund the purchase of a tractor for general course and estate works.