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Thursday 3rd April 2014

Celia Marr appointed Chair of Veterinary Advisory Committee

The Horserace Betting Levy Board has appointed Professor Celia Marr as Chair of its Veterinary Advisory Committee for a period of two years from January 2015 in succession to Professor Willie Donachie, who will be retiring at the end of 2014. Professor Marr joined the Committee in 2005 and is currently Deputy Chair of the Committee, Chair of the Levy Board’s Thoroughbred Research Consultation Group and a member of the Board’s Education Sub-Committee.

HBLB Chairman Paul Lee said:

“We are fortunate that someone of Professor Marr’s reputation and expertise is willing to commit time and energy to the work of the VAC. Celia brings both academic and clinical experience to the role, and a dedication to the health and well being of the racing and breeding Thoroughbred.

“Willie Donachie has done a terrific job, steering the Committee through difficult times when funding was limited and we are grateful for his commitment.”

Professor Marr said:

“I am looking forward very much to taking over as VAC Chair in January. As always, there is a lot to do and I want to ensure that the Levy Board’s investment in veterinary science and education addresses the real, practical needs of the Thoroughbred. There is exciting work going on with new ideas coming forward all the time. I hope to focus on communicating the practical benefits which arise from the research funded by the Levy aimed at preventing and managing injury and disease in all types of horses.”

For further information please contact Alan Delmonte, Chief Executive of HBLB, on 020 7333 0043.

Biographical notes


Celia graduated from the Glasgow University Veterinary School in 1985, then remained in Glasgow to complete both Masters and PhD degrees. With the support of a Fulbright Scholarship, she then studied equine cardiology and internal medicine at the New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania and passed the RCVS Diploma in Equine Internal Medicine in 1997, became an RCVS Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine in 1998 and Celia was invited to become a Diplomate of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine when it formed in 2002.

Celia’s clinical career has focused on Cardiovascular Medicine, Internal Medicine, Adult and Neonatal Intensive Care & Medical Imaging. She has held clinical service and teaching positions in the University of Pennsylvania, University of Cambridge and the Royal Veterinary College. She has also spent considerable time in Thoroughbred practice both at the Valley Equine Hospital, Lambourn and Rossdale and Partners, Newmarket.

Celia has published over 60 research papers and educational material relating to a range of medical disorders of the horse, concentrating on cardiovascular disease and diagnostic methods in medical disorders including editing a book on Cardiology of the Horse, the 2nd edition of which was published in 2010.

Celia is an Honorary Professor of the University of Glasgow, Editor-in-Chief of Equine Veterinary Journal, Chairman of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine’s Advanced Training Advisory Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Veterinary Advisory Committee of the Horserace Betting Levy Board and Chairman of the HBLB’s Thoroughbred Research Consultation Group.