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Tuesday 26th October 2010

HBLB Publishes 50th Levy Scheme Submissions from the Bookmakers’ Committee and Racing

The Horserace Betting Levy Board today published the documentation provided to date by the Bookmakers’ Committee and Racing in relation to the 50th Levy Scheme.

If the 50th Scheme (which runs from 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012) is not agreed by the Board by 31st October 2010, it will be referred to the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport for determination.

The Board published on its website the formal recommendations of the Bookmakers’ Committee for the Scheme shortly after those recommendations were presented to the Board at its July meeting. Also published was the submission by Racing, which was presented to the Board’s March meeting.

Since then a number of further submissions have been made by both the Bookmakers’ Committee and Racing as contributions to the process.

The Board has now agreed, given the permission of the parties involved, to publish those further submissions, along with the independent assessment made by the Board’s three Government-appointed members in September 2010.

The Board also today published a report by Deloitte, which the Government-appointed members commissioned in summer 2010.

The list of documents is as follows:

Racing Submission 50th Levy Scheme Mar2010.pdf

Bookmakers Committee Recommendations 50th Levy Scheme July2010.pdf

Racing Initial Critique of the Bookmakers Committee Recommendations 50th Levy Scheme Jul2010.pdf

Bookmakers Committee response to Racing 50th Levy Scheme Submission Aug2010.pdf

Bookmakers Committee response to Racing Critique of BC 50th Levy Scheme Recommendations Sep2010.pdf

Racing Turnover-based Levy briefing note for 50th Levy Scheme Sep2010.pdf

Independent Assessment for 50th Levy Scheme by Govt Appointed Members (GAMs) Sep2010.pdf

Bookmakers Committee Chairman letter to HBLB Chairman on TV costs Oct2010.pdf

Annex to Bookmakers Committee Chairman letter to HBLB Chairman on TV costs Oct2010.pdf

Bookmakers Committee response to Independent Assessment for 50th Levy Scheme by GAMs Oct2010.pdf

Racing response to Independent Assessment for 50th Levy Scheme by GAMs Oct2010.pdf

Deloitte Report for the Government Appointed Members Oct2010.pdf

The Board is due to meet next on Friday 29th October 2010. At its September meeting, it rejected the Bookmakers’ Committee’s Recommendations presented at the July meeting. It is now for the Bookmakers’ Committee to consider whether or not to make revised Recommendations to the Board before 31st October.

(Click here for further 50th Levy Scheme Submissions from the Bookmakers’ Committee and Racing published by HBLB on Thursday 28th October 2010)