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54th Levy Scheme (1 April 2015 - 31 March 2016)

The Committee’s recommendations, submitted to the Board on 10 September 2014, were agreed unanimously by the Board on 17 September. The Committee’s recommendations were similar in most respects to the 53rd Levy Scheme, with one significant exception. 

Mindful of the continuing challenges faced by smaller LBOs, and the high costs of providing customers access to pictures of live British horseracing, the Committee agreed unanimously to shift the focus of the Flat Rate Rebate (FRR) from all LBOs to only ‘Very Small’ and ‘Small’ LBOs. This had the effect of targeting FRR at LBOs most in need, irrespective of ownership.

The Committee recommended applying an increase in line with RPI* to the LBO threshold and the annual charge on racecourse bookmakers.

The Committee noted in its recommendations its concerns in respect of the potential effect of BHA proposals to reduce the number of races per fixture during the winter months.

*Based on RPI of 2.5% as at 31 July 2014.

Last Updated: 14 July 2015